The 3 Biggest Avoidable Mistakes that are Killing Your Business
They’re not what you think!
If your business is not where you wish it was, if you’re feeling stuck, or can’t seem to get it started in the first place, there are three aspects you can take control over, but aren’t in control of yet.
It’s Not What You Think
The activity you do, to move your business forward — whether it’s marketing, social media outreach, sales, calling prospects, or SEO — is not what will make your business successful. It appears that that’s what creates the results, but it’s not.
What really creates the results you experience is the way you’re feeling in any given moment.
Now, that may sound absurd, at first, but let me share with you the connection and the science.
- How you feel in any given moment determines not only whether or not you take action, but the decisions you make and your perception of … well, everything.
You will see things a certain way when you’re in a good emotional state, and in a completely different way when you’re feeling bad — from risks and potential to opportunities and financial calculations.
2. When you’re feeling good, you have more energy, more focus, and more inspiration and creativity than when you’re feeling bad.
That’s because when you feel any kind of negative emotion, your brain and body are in a level of the fight-freeze-flight emergency state. And one of the effects of that state is the draining of blood from the prefrontal cortex of your brain (where you do your cognitive thinking).
That means that when you are feeling bad, you literally cannot think straight — you don’t have access to the part of your brain responsible for problem-solving, strategizing, processing and comprehending information, effective communication, creativity, invention, and so much more.
Considering the above, you could be taking as much massive action, following powerful successful systems, as you like, 14 hours a day… and still not seeing success. Because, in every moment, you are trying to work, without a significant part of your brain.
Mistake #1
Taking action before setting the “GPS” for where you want to go. I don’t mean knowing the goals you’re aiming for, I mean changing the subconscious references for where you want to end up.
Your subconscious is designed to keep you safe by keeping you in alignment with the “evidence” it holds that proves who you are and how the world works.
In other words, you could be doing all the right activity, but if your subconscious holds references that it’s “dangerous” to have money, or that you’re not good enough, you’ll find yourself ending up in the same limiting situations. You’ll find yourself “self-sabotaging”, procrastinating, or feeling overwhelmed.
Change that “evidence” to the opposite, positive, and empowering, and your subconscious will then be doing whatever it takes to keep you in alignment with that NEW evidence.
That’s when success becomes smooth, easy, automatic, and fun. You don’t even need to try, you automatically know what to do, and getting results seems effortless.
Mistake #2
Looking at the ditches along the side of the road, instead of keeping your focus on the destination.
Wherever you put your focus is where you’re heading in that moment. If you’re keeping your eyes on the ditch, that’s where you’re going to start heading. In order to get to where you want to be, you need to keep that destination in your focus.
In other words, once you know what you want, and why you want it, make sure you keep redirecting your focus to that, rather than the issues, challenges, and other unwanted experiences along the way.
Choose to see hurdles, challenges, problems, set-backs, and issues as scenery, not destinations, and keep redirecting your focus to where you want to end up.
It’s important to realize that as humans, we are designed to fixate on the negative — it’s part of our survival system.
And recognizing that is the first step in overcoming it. Instead of “buying into” the negative stuff, make the decision, in the moment, to recognize it as “an alarm going off because the cat moved” or “a guard dog barking at another dog” — false alarms, rather than real threats to your life.
And then choose to put your focus back on the road ahead, and where you want to end up.
Mistake #3
Failing to prioritize feeling good. Since the way you feel determines whether or not you have full access to the part of your brain responsible for cognitive thinking, how you feel should be your Top Priority.
Doing whatever it takes to feel good before making decisions or taking action will immediately start to improve your results.
If you’re feeling any negative emotion, stop and do whatever it takes to bring down the level of stress chemicals in your system (physical exercise, watch some comedy, listen to uplifting music, watch an inspiring TED talk, do an activity you love) — even if it’s just taking 60 seconds to fully focus your mind on something or someone you love.
Taking just that moment of time, to imagine hugging a person or animal you love, or imagine doing an activity you love, or being in a place you love — can bring the stress chemicals in your system down, enough to bring your prefrontal cortex back online.
These three aspects will affect absolutely everything else.
Taking action, or making decisions, before you’ve taken the steps above, is like starting to drive somewhere without fuel or oil in the car. Regardless of how fabulous the car is, you’re going to end up pushing it, exhausted, and going very, very, very slowly!
To find out more about the subconscious references mentioned in #1 above, watch the video below:
Book a Free 60-Minute Breakthrough Call to find out which childhood memories are holding you back, and how to change them:
In this 60-minute Breakthrough/Strategy Call, we’ll help you to identify the blocks that are holding you back from your goals and dreams — and will share with you, how to change those original subconscious references.
No obligation, no strings.
If, by the end of the call, you decide to go ahead and make the changes on your own, you will have the information to do that.
If, on the other hand, you would like our help to get faster, easier results,
we can check to see if it would be a good fit for us to work with you.
Book a Free 60-Minute Breakthrough Call:
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Join Our Business Success Mentoring Group for hands-on help in building your heart-based business, while focusing on fun and ease, and enthusiasm. We’ll help you to keep facing the direction in which you want to go, as you move toward your success, instead of focusing on the obstacles along the roadside.
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